Marietta Apollonio is the author-illustrator of Jack The Library Cat (Albert Whitman 2023) and Wombat And The Family Tree (Tommy Nelson Books/HarperCollins 2024). Her stories focus on characters who explore their curiosity and are looking for something—a home, acceptance, their place within a family or community, magic. In creating an atmosphere inclusive of diverse characters, her illustrations use traditional materials and digital, with texture, patterns, and vibrant saturated moments pulling readers into universal experiences. Marietta received her BFA in illustration from Lesley University College of Art and Design. She spends her professional time doing what she loves: illustrating and writing for picture books, working with a weekly writers’ group, and mentoring. She is a member of SCBWI, the Boston Authors Club, and the PB23BUNCH. Marietta is a recipient of the 2019 SCBWI Memorial Scholarship for Illustrations, a 2022 PB Rising Stars Mentor, a 2023-2024 PBParty Judge and a 2022-2023 mentor with the Andrea Brown Literary Agency’s Big Sur Children’s Writers Workshop.

She spends her free time exploring the woods of central Massachusetts with her family, horseback riding, visiting books stores and looking for the best vegan ice cream.

Represented by super star Jemiscoe Chambers-Black of
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
